I’m in the business of personal hope, meaning and growth.
Life is a journey for learning. Where are you on that journey right now? What have you learned so far? Are you ready for what might come next? I find that by keeping myself conscious of my own learning process I can help others with whatever work or trouble they present in therapy. Many of us struggle with fear of failure, fear of judgment, or fear of admitting that we are not quite right. Something is broken. How do we begin talking about that to facilitate change?
In light of COVID-19 and the CDC’s guidelines, I offer counseling services in-person as well as through Telehealth/Zoom. Please contact me if you have any questions.
About Michael Galloway
Learn more about who I am,
my counseling practice, and the
other services I offer.
counselor’s Companion
Ready to take the next step? Learn about strategies for personal change and treating addiction by reading a few articles
I have written.